Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

I unfortunately had to work today so no crazy festives this year! But we did enjoy the beautiful day with ice cream! Hope you enjoyed your day!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Quote for today!

As I have been dealing with multiple health issues recently, I thought this quote would be perfect for today!!

Food for Thought: Most illness begins with a negative mind. It is also possible to make yourself ill through constant worry and fear of failure, because the mind constantly strives to turn into reality the things we think about most. Protect your mental health with the same care you give your physical body. Just as your body requires healthy, nourishing foods, and a balanced diet, so does your mind. Make sure you feed it plenty of positive thoughts. ~N. Hill

So this is me!!!

Well, I've tried the blogging world before but I let life get in the way.For those of you that don't know, my name is Vanessa and I am a single mother for the past 2 1/2 years to my beautiful daughters! I am 26 years old and reside in Virginia Beach, VA. I currently work 40+ hours a week, and I am in my first year of law school (yeah I am crazy I know!!). Jasmine is 5yrs old and is in Pre-k this year. She is extremely smart, creative, and just everything you want in an older daughter for her sister to follow! Tatyana will be 4 in a month, and is my stubborn, lovable, As my life continues to change rapidly, I thought this would be a good place to write down my feelings, rants, fears, dreams, and everything else that comes from my crazy world as a single parent of two, full time worker, full time law student! Come and enjoy the ride, it's quite bumpy!!